  • 期刊


Research on Earthquake Impact Simulation and Disaster Prevention Countermeasures in Industrial Parks




This research focuses on business disaster prevention and explores how companies can shape their sustainable operations planning and management strategies when responding to the potential of large-scale earthquake disasters. The research use the TERIA to set the Dajia fault to move and analyze the impact. Then, the revised Delphi method was used to conduct an expert questionnaire survey to screen out the required disaster prevent and rescue indicators with a high degree of consensus in professional considerations, the AHP is used for quantitative analysis. The ability of enterprises to independently prevent and rescue disasters is agreed as the most important dimension. The person in charge's commitment and corporate culture, the overall current situation of seismic reinforcement, and disaster prevention investment and training are the top three influencing factors in the ranking of weight values. Relevant research findings can be used as a reference for the Taichung City Government and Taichung Industrial Park to study and prepare the corresponding earthquake disaster prevention and maintenance decision-making.


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