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An Analysis of Different Situations to the Practice of Parenting Education for Preschool Teachers and the Strategies of Continuing Education to Promote Their Role Effect: The Study of Preschool Teachers in Taichung City


鑒於少子化趨勢、家庭功能變遷,以及伴隨而來之家庭教育的重要性,本研究旨在探討影響教保人員實施親職教育的因素,以作爲師資培育機構、托育機構和政府管理機構提升教保員之親職教育專業素養與實踐的參考。在運用問卷調查法,以台中市立案公私立幼托園所爲母群體,採分層隨機抽樣方式抽取樣本進行資料蒐集。問卷採用李克特量表(Likert Scale)的形式設計,編碼後以SPSS統計軟體分析。 本問卷題目的整體信度係數Cronbach's α係數爲0.9014,代表本問卷試題間的符合性爲「極可信」。主要分析結果如下:第一,以「因素分析法」萃取出教保員實施親職教育的各種主要情境因素,包括「上司與同事提供支持」、「托育機構提供資源」、「正向角色知覺與行動」、「多元化家庭現象」、「協助家長的工作認知」、「多元化家庭的工作挑戰」。第二,教保員在上述每一個因子的平均分數介於3.0446至3.5512,顯示受訪者皆傾向於同意,其中又以「正向角色知覺與行動」和「多元化家庭現象」所得到的平均值位居一二。可見教保員相當同意實施親職教育是重要而有價值的,亦相當同意家庭的多元化使親職教育的實施愈來愈重要。第三,教保員參加親職教育研習的次數愈多和工作年資10年以上,對親職教育的實施較有助益。第四,在教保員普遍認爲實施親職教育是重要的前提下,任職機構所營造的親職教育實施情境、自己的對實施親職教育的認知和家庭多元化的發展趨勢,確實和其實施意願有關聯。 因此,本研究認爲托育機構應作爲主要推手,重視在職教育並採取下列措施:(1)給予教保人員專業知能與實施親職教育方面的協助與支持;(2)主動提供及用心經營親職教育的資源和實施環境;(3)能多提供多元化家庭的資訊或相關研習給教保員,讓教保員未來面對多元化家庭更有協助的能力;(4)針對年資未滿3年的教保員,加強其實施親職教育的角色認知與實施。師資培育機構則應採取下列措施:(1)在專業養成期間,積極強化實施親職教育的正向的角色認知和多元化家庭的相關課程,讓新手教保員可以更早投入親職教育的規劃與實施;(2)爲即時而有效地提供在職教師的繼續教育機會,應可嘗試跳脫一般傳統的面授方案,並提供其他可替代的在職教育方案,例如數位化的親職教育研習方案。最後,兒童福利相關管理機構則應規劃更能促進托育機構積極推動親職教育的機制;並強化教保人員參加親職教育研習的學習系統與認證機制,尤其應鼓勵年資未滿3年的教保人員,積極參與親職教育知能的學習與實踐。


The preschool teachers are expected to help parents by themselves, working institution and society. This survey research is designed by the forms of Likert scale and intends to investigate the situations of actors, institutes of teacher education and social trends to the practice of parenting education for preschool teachers under the needs of family education. On the other way, this research try to find that how the child care centers and institutes of teacher education organize the supporting resources to promote teachers' role effect to the practices of parenting education. The samples are selected by stratified random sampling from the child care centers that are legally registered for the status claimed in Taichung city in Taiwan. The Cronbach's α is 0.9014. We can be sure that the reliability of contents of this survey research is fitness. Under this condition, we find six constituents about the practices of parenting education for preschool teachers by factor analysis firstly. They are ”the supporting from chief and colleague”, ”the resources of parenting education from the child care center”, ”positive thinking of educational practices”, ”the trend of multi-families”, ”the duty to support parents” and ”the stress and challenge of work from multi-families”. Secondly, the preschool teachers agree these six constituents in parenting education mostly. They agree ”positive thinking of educational practices” and ”the trend of multi-families” especially. Thirdly, it is helpful to preschool teachers participate in the number of the more of research and study of parenting education. And the works of ten years of preschool teachers are better qualified for the parenting education job. Finally, although the preschool teachers recognition the work to implementation of the parenting education, they will be reinforced when the child care center create a good working atmosphere to the practices of parenting education and they have positive thinking of educational practices. We have some suggestions to child care centers, institutes of teacher education and child welfare agencies for continuing education to promote their role effect to the practice of parenting education. Firstly, the child care centers should offer more supporting and resources to teachers, and create a good working atmosphere to the practices of parenting education actively. It is necessary often to provide a wide range of information and learning programs about multi-families, and to strength the education and training to the novice teachers that the works in the three years. Secondly, institutes of teacher education should strength the positive attitudes to the duty to support parents in the educational process actively, and provide more courses of family issues for the improvement the research capacity to the child and his family. It will be effectively shorten the adaptation period of parenting education. On the other way, institutes of teacher education can use different forms of continuing education, for example, the continuing education of e-learning may be a suitable way to promote the role effect of teachers instantly and effectively. Finally, child welfare agencies should plan an effective implementation plan to encourage or supervision the child care center and enable them to actively promote the work of parenting education. On the other way, child welfare agencies should establish a set of learning programs and certification system to preschool teachers, and novice teachers need a set of learning programs and certification system especially.
