  • 期刊


Mao Zedong's Literature Thought and the Literature Policy in the Chinese Communist Party-The Impact after Mao's Speech at "Yen-an Literature Seminar"




Mao Zedong took a speech at ”Yen-an Literature Seminar” on May 1942, in which he asked writers to associate with workers, farmers and soldiers. He advocated that the literary works should serve for the politics. The text of the speech thus became the authorized instruction of the Chinese Communist Party. While since then, the creative freedom of writers was deeply restricted. Mao's speech guided the policy of culture-tyranny more than sixty years in Mainland China, and caused a number of terrible literature rectification movements. To Chinese writers, it was the beginning of their miserable fate since 1949. Although the control to literature has loosened a little after Deng Xiaoping died, the rule that ”literature serves for politics” has not changed yet. The only way to save the Chinese ”engineer of human soul” is to destroy the root of Marx's、 Lenin's、 Stalin's and Mao's thought thoroughly, and the Mainland China can really become a great country which will be highly honored in the world.
