  • 期刊


Athletes should care about their brain activity while at rest: A review of resting-state EEG and sport performance




In the past few decades, research in cognitive neuroscience and human brain has mainly focused on task-related brain activity. However, accumulating evidence showed that the "task-free" brain activity, or the spontaneous brain activity, is also functionally significant. In the sport domain, the relationship between spontaneous brain activity and performance is still unclear. Besides, little research has examined the neuroiological differences between task-induced and resting-state brain activities and mechanisms between resting brain activity and subsequent performance. Moreover, the neural mechanisms of sport performance are hardly investigated except accurate sports such as archery and shooting, due to the technical limitations of brain imaging. It is feasible to utlize resting-state brain activity for monitoring athletes' mental states before competition because resting-state EEG can be collected during the rest period. The purpose of this study was to review research regarding resting-state EEG and sport performance. First, we introduced basic neurobiological knowledge of spontaneous neural activity. Second, the relationships between resting-state brain activity and task performance were examined. Third, we further reviewed previous studies focusing on resting-state EEG in the sport domain. Lastly, several recommendations of practical applications and future research are provided.


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