  • 期刊


Reliability and validity of the Enjoyment Scale in Physical Education within Chinese context


目的:Garn 與 Corthan (2006) 以Scanlan 與 Lewthwaite (1986) 的運動樂趣模式為基礎,發展體育課樂趣因素量表,作為探索體育課樂趣之工具。本研究的目的乃將Garn 與 Corthan發展的體育課樂趣量表予以中文化,並檢驗其信效度。方法:本研究分為兩個階段,階段一將Garn 與 Corthan的21個題項翻譯成中文,以395位國中生 (介於12-15歲) 為對象,一系列的項目分析和探索性因素分析後,獲得四個因素。階段二以階段一的結果為基礎,重新抽取832位國中學生,以驗證性因素分析檢驗量表的信效度;以身體活動量為效標,進行同時效度檢驗,並以性別進行已知組間差異法,檢驗量表的鑑別度。結果:經探索性與驗證性因素分析後結果顯示,本量表四個因素及15個題項的結構指標達到適配的標準,對身體活動量有顯著的預測力,性別差異均達顯著水準,且皆為男生顯著高於女生。結論:中文版體育課樂趣因素量表是一個具有信效度的量表,適用於國民中學的體育課學習情境。


身體活動 體育教學 動機


Purpose: Based on Scanlan and Lewthwaite’s (1986) sport enjoyment model, Garn and Corthan (2006) developed the Fun Factor Scale in Physical Education (FFSPE) as a measurement questionnaire to explore sources of sport fun. The purpose of this study was to examine the reliability and validity for the Chinese version of Garn and Corthans’ scale. Methods: At Stage 1, Garn and Corthan’s scale with 21 items was translated into Chinese version. The samples consisted of 394 junior high school students, aged from 13 to 15, completing the scale. Using item analyses and exploratory factor analysis (EFA), there were 4 factors in the scale. At Stage 2, based on the results of Stage 1, resampling 832 participants completed the FFSPE and International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed to test the factor structure and reliability and validity of the Chinese version FFSPE for Taiwanese students. The amount of physical activity in IPAQ was performed to test as concurrent validity, and used known group difference method based gender variable to test the discriminant criteria for each subscale. Results: The results of EFA and CFA indicated that Chinese version of the FFSPE had 4 factors with 15 items and reached acceptable goodness-of-fit criteria. Conclusion: The Chinese version of the FFSPE could predict the amount of physical activity, which was assessed by IPAQ. There were significant difference in gender variable, and males were higher than females. It was concluded that the Chinese version of the FFSPE had good reliability and validity. It could be used in physical education curriculum of Taiwanese junior high school.




