  • 期刊

The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility Awards on Corporate Misbehavior



This paper empirically examines how winning CSR awards can influence corporate misbehavior. This paper uses award-winning firms identified through major media sources to measure CSR winners. We conjecture that award-winning firms, who have attracted increased public attention and gained trust and reputation, alter their wrongdoing decisions. We show that firms' misbehaviors are significantly associated with the effect of CSR winners, including three possible channels: financial restatement, financial distress, and other negative misbehavior. Further, the relationship between CSR awards and corporate wrongdoing is more pronounced for firms winning their first CSR award.


本文探討企業社會責任獎項(CSR awards)如何影響企業的不當行為。透過媒體所公布的企業社會責任獎項,我們預期CSR得獎企業將增加媒體曝光度、並贏得社會信任與聲譽,進而影響其進行不當行為的決策。實證結果顯示CSR獎項會顯著影響企業的三項不當行為:財務報表重編、財務危機以及其他負面事件,並在企業第一次得到CSR獎項時的效果愈明顯。


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