  • 期刊


Curating Social Experience: Fusing New and Incumbent Media Business Models




Creating innovative business models in the free-for-all world of social media has become a challenge in recent years. This study details the necessity of fusing new business models with established ones as opposed to focusing on complementary incomes or the co-creation of values. By analyzing how traditional fashion magazines curate social experiences for different communities, this research introduces new mechanisms for social interactions that highlight the fusion of business models. The interactive relationships are categorized into two-way, three-way, and multi-way for niche markets, differentiated markets, and the mass markets, respectively. This research makes theoretical contributions to the literature on business model innovation and emphasizes how new business models can be innovated from old business models. This study also contributes to literature on the experience economy by describing the interactive relationships, experiences, and timeframes involved in curating unique social experiences and introduces a five-tiered practical guide for fusing business models.


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