  • 期刊


An Alternative Approach of Career Intervention


對現今潛在的以及在崗的就業者而言,這是一個職場充滿變動與不確定性,令人惶惶不安的「狂暴的社會」(Savickas, 2005, p. 51)。為了因應這個緊急的新局面,新的生涯理論,以及更「積極的」就業輔導機制(詳見周志明之整理。周志明,2014)如雨後春筍被發展出來,試圖充當被迫在波濤洶湧的大海中航行的人們的「航海圖」或者「浮標」(套用Bauman ﹝1998/2005﹞在《全球化》一書中的用語)。本研究藉由爬梳我們先前所經營的「社會實踐」課程之某些經驗(並將之放置於輔大心理系特有的「社會參與」、致力於社會變革的整體脈絡下),闡述一種有別於主流生涯理論/諮商的介入方式。這種介入方式透過讓學生批判性理解社會/文化的結構框架與遊戲規則、己身(及家庭)在社會上所座落的位置,讓學生不僅找到自己與社會的連結,並且發展出對於社會應朝向什麼樣的理想前景開展變革的意向、意志,甚至使命。我們主張這種協助學生確認自己在社會中之存在樣貌與位置、確認自己對於社會之核心價值為何的介入方式,理想狀況是可以讓少數幸運的學生朝向變革社會的志業發展之途前進,一般的狀況則至少讓學生帶著前述的社會批判意識(亦見Blustein, Kenna, Gill, & DeVoy, 2008)及被澄清確認過的核心價值取向闖蕩江湖。對後者而言,不論他/她未來身處於什麼樣的工作崗位,不論其工作如何流轉,其對於社會該怎麼發展,人該怎麼被社會對待的核心價值及意向都將成為指引他/她如何工作,如何安身立命的路標。


This is a "turbulent society" (Savickas, 2005, p. 51), which is full of changes and uncertainties in the workplace for today’s potential and on-the-job workers. In response to this urgent new situation, new career theories, and more "active" employment guiding programs (see Zhou, 2014) are springing up, trying to act as "Navigation maps" or "buoys" when people forced to sail in the turbulent sea (Bauman, 1998/2005). This study outlines some of the experiences of the social practice curriculum that we have previously operated, trying to provide an alternative approach of career intervention. This way of intervention allows students not only to find their own links with society, but also to develop their critical reflections and understanding of social and cultural structures and rules of the game. At its best, students would develop the perspectives, core values, even the mission, of what an ideal society should be. Regardless of what his/her future jobs will be, the critical social consciousness, core values, or callings would guide him/her how to work, how to settle down the life.


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