  • 期刊


The Study of School Support Needs for Vocational High School Students with Learning Disabilities in Middle Counties




The purpose of this study was to explore the school support needs among vocational high school students with learning disabilities in middle counties. This study used a questionnaire survey and the valid samples were 188 students with learning disabilities in Miaoli, Taichung, Changhua, Nantou, and Yunlin counties. The major findings were as following: 1. The most expected support was "career planning", the following orders were "academic learning", "social skill", and "the emotion and behavior management" 2. The support which students received most was "academic learning", following orders were "social skill", "career planning", and ""the emotion and behavior mangement". 3. The finding showed that the support expectations were more than what student really received in "academic learning", "social skill", "the emotion and behavior management", and "career planning". It still showed that the expectations were not be satisfied by students with learning disabilities. 4. The finding showed that students with learning disabilities have higher support needs in "career planning". 5. There were significant differences in location, gender, school-type, department majoring, and special education service-type, but there were no significant differences in entrance-type, grade level in support expectations. 6. There were significant differences in school-type, entrance-type, grade level, and special education service-type, but there was no significant difference in location, gender, and department majoring in support acquisition.
