  • 期刊


The Nonstandard Forms of Characters in Tang Dynasty




With the Tang Dynasty's political unity and economic prosperity, cultural prosperity is also a trend. Therefore, "writing" was highly demanded in the selection of government officials and in the school education in Tang Dynasty. Moreover, scholars at that time were making lots of efforts to try to unify the forms of characters. The use of the standard forms and nonstandard forms was compatible and yet, at the same time, separate. Based on "Gan Lu Zi Shu" by Yuan-Sun Yan, "Wu Jing Wen Zi" by Can Zhang, and "Xin Jia Jiu Jin Zi Yang" by Yuen Tang, this article examines the nonstandard forms of characters in Tang Dynasty. In fact, the differences between the standard forms and the nonstandard forms of characters lie in the differences in time and space. Due to limited circulation, the standard forms might become nonstandard ones because they were not accepted by the majority. However, the nonstandard forms might become standard ones because they were highly circulated and were thus approved of by the public. Therefore, the nonstandard forms are supplementary to the standard forms, the main body of the writing system. The relationship between the two is interdependent and will change as time evolves.

