  • 期刊


A Portrait of the Renaissance Florentine City Life


本文旨在描述文藝復興時期義大利名城佛羅倫斯的社會生活。全文除前言和結語外,共分五部份︰第一部份描述目前佛城留下來的建築物和歷史遺跡。這部份有助於吾人暸解文藝復興時代佛羅倫斯的建築樣貌;不過,吾人要從這些建築物來懷想當時城市居民的生活狀況,則因歷史資料不足而有其困難。閱讀文藝復興時期的藝術文學作品,也只能帶給吾人一些零星、片斷的印象。馬索利諾(Masolino 1383-1440〔1447〕)曾為卡爾米內(S. Maria del Carmine)的聖彼得(St Peter)教堂畫了一些壁畫,其中描述了佛羅倫斯城街道的景象。第二部份探討十四世紀的詩人安東尼歐.浦奇(Antorio Pucci)對佛城的舊市場(Old Market)所做生活景象的描繪。這個市場是佛城最熱鬧、最擁擠的地區之一。在浦奇的詩歌中,吾人看到舊市場銷售各種不同的農產品和手工藝品,一大批混雜的人群在市場行走。第三部份描述佛羅倫斯周而復始的宗教慶典,這些慶典也為佛羅倫斯的居民們留下了不可磨滅的歷史印記。今天在基督教國家,大家都在星期天休息,以方便作禮拜,遇到聖誕節通常也有較長的假期;尤其是住在義大利的英美人士,他們知道有關佛城的宗教節日就更多了:其中包括聖.約瑟夫節(St. Joseph)、聖.彼得和保祿節(St. Peter and Paul)、聖靈懷胎節,或純潔受胎節(Immaculate Conception)、耶穌升天節(Ascension)和萬聖節(All Saints Day)等。第四部份從編年史、日記和官方文件中,說明十四世紀末佛羅倫斯民眾對社會危機所作的反應。一般來說,這些危機可分為兩種︰一種是發自內部的社會動亂;一種是來自城外的敵軍入侵,以及自然災害,包括洪水、饑荒、和瘟疫等。第五部份勾勒佛羅倫斯的黑死病;比暴動帶來佛城更大傷害和損失的,是瘟疫;然而,十四世紀的佛羅倫斯饑荒,也經常發生。每次天災發生的時間都不甚長,而且佛城政府通常都能未雨綢繆,事先會由城外進口糧食,以備不時之需,因此大大減低了災難帶來的損害。但是,傳染病依舊定期發生,從一三四○年開始,幾乎每十年就釀一次瘟疫。為使行文信而有徵,筆者使用編年史、日記和一些官方文件作為史事描述的佐證。希望本文對西洋中古史、義大利文化和通識教育有興趣的大專師生,以及一般讀者,均能提供跨時空、跨文化的對話管道。


This essay aims at describing the city life of the Renaissance Florence. In addition to introduction and conclusion it is divided into five parts: the first is to depict the architecture of Florence and its facets of streets. Although the historical sources in this respect are insufficient still we can imagine the street situations of this Medieval city through the wall paintings of S. Maria del Carmine by Masolino(1383-1440s). The second part is to probe into the Old Market of Florence by using Antonio Pucci's poems which provide some clear images of the people's living in Florence. The third part turns to religious ceremony, introducing such festivals and holidays as St. Joseph, St. Peter and Paul, Immaculate Conception, Ascension, and All Saints Day and tracing their origin to the Florentine Medieval days. The Fourth concentrates on the city's responses to the internal and external crises. Though historical records are rare we still can detect people's reactions to the social crises in 14^(th)-centuary Florence. Some were from inside, such as proletariat riots and mass violence; some from outside, such as flood, famine, prague, and enemy's invasions. The last part focuses on the most terrible prague, the Black Death, and its impacts to the decrease of population and the destruction of social life. Such writers as Matteo Villani, Machionne Stefani, and Giovanni Boccacio give us some information about Florentine centennial disaster. To make the narrative of this essay convincing the author uses evidences from chronicles, diaries, and official documents to tell the story. It is hoped that this essay will provide a dialogue channel of cross-cultural communication for those who are interested in Renaissance Italy, Western culture, and general learnings as a whole.


Renaissance Florence city life festival
