  • 期刊


Traditional Chinese Treatment for Osteoporosis


隨著人口壽命的增長和高齡化社會的形成,老年性疾病之一的骨質疏鬆症的危害性越來越大。 骨質疏鬆症是一種以骨量簡少為特點的骨組織顯微結構改變,導致骨脆性增加和容易發生骨折的全身性疾病。骨質疏鬆症稱為“無聲殺手”,這是因為你無法感覺到你的骨骼正變得越來越脆弱。骨質在慢慢地流失,毫無症狀,直到骨骼斷裂。拜醫學進步之賜,骨質疏鬆現在能夠在骨折發生之前經過測量骨密度進行診斷,透過著早期治療預防骨折。 中醫根據腎主骨,腎生骨髓以及精、氣、血、津液對骨的滋養和某些臟腑對骨的影響,運用相關的方劑,及藥物,以加強成骨細胞活性,保持骨量的穩定,緩解因性激素值下降而致的骨質疏鬆,使骨質密度逐步得以回升。


中醫藥 骨質疏鬆症


With the longer lifespan of the population along with the formation of an aging society, the threat, Osteoporosis, posed by an aging process is getting more nad more aggravating. The decreasing amount of bone mineral that may cause structural variation in bone tissue, is typical of Osteoporosis. Bone fragility will easily result in a fracture disease of the whole body. Osteoporosis is called mute killer because you are not aware of the weakening bone density. You probably barely feel uncomfortable when your bone density is getting weaker and weaker and not far from fracture. Thanks to the advanced medical technology, nowadays the measurement of bone density is available ahead of the occurrence of the fracture. Fracture is no longer unavoidable with the aid of preventive treatment. According to Traditional Chinese Therapy concerning Kidneys rule the bone, kidneys store essence, water, the grasping of qi, the nutriment for the bone tissue is crucial to treatment for Osteoporosis. Consequently, the issue focused on activating mature bone cells to keep the bone density stable, to remit the Osteoporosis caused by decreasing sex hormones, and one step further to have the bone density return to normal.


吳至行、陳芳萍、宋永魁、張尹凡、黃兆山、陳榮福、詹鼎正、楊榮森、張若愚、郝德慧、蔡克嵩、方耀凡、鄭添財、羅淑芬、李晏榮、孫子傑(2017)。2017 台灣成人骨質疏鬆症防治之共識及指引。台北:中華民國骨質疏鬆症學會。
Su, FM,Liu, DH,Chen, JF,Yu, SF,Chiu, WC,Hsu, CY,Ko, CH,Tsai, CC,Cheng, TT(2015).Development and Validation of an Osteoporosis Self-Assessment Tool for Taiwan (OSTAi) Postmenopausal Women - A Sub-Study of the Taiwan OsteoPorosis Survey (TOPS).PLoS One.10(6),e0130716.

