  • 期刊


Principle and Practical Application of Herbal Supplement and Dietary Supplement in TCM


中醫以方藥臨床論治,或曰五法,或曰六法,程鐘齡醫學心悟定爲八法(汗、和、下、消、吐、清、溫、補),世多遵之,奉爲主臬,沉酣於中,常能扶危定傾,筆發春花。然其治療原理與實際,只限於「心悟」、「身證」而已;常知其然而不知其所以然。之所以如此,受時代科學知識限制故也。 近六十年來,國內外研究機構不斷增加,研究方向大致正確,研究方法亦稱嚴謹,故人才輩出,對中醫藥物方劑之基源、成份、藥理、臨床、毒性等之研究,文獻滿山滿谷,成績斐然。 本文以補法爲題,舉名方爲例,綜合科研文獻,摘要簡介,以解釋其原理與實際,以廣其知,以深其度,以信其實,以交其流,俾有益於醫界。


氣虛 血虛 陽虛 陰虛 補氣 補血 補陽 補陰


Traditional Chinese Medicine use theory, principle, prescription and medicinal to treat disease, some call the principle to five methods, others call six methods ”Medical Insights”, written by Cheng Zhong Ling, Qing dynasty, definited these principle to eight methods, including diaphoresis, harmonizing method, purgative method, resolving method, emesis method, clearing method, warming method and tonifying method. Most later generation doctors comply with these eight methods in clinic, and some even addict to them, who always made overstatement. However, in clinic, we always find that these principle are still ”comprehension” and ”experience”, constricted by the generation knowledge level In recent 60 years, organizations in traditional Chinese medicine researching increase unceasingly. The research aspect and method in traditional Chinese medicine are generally exacting. Researches in Chinese medicine about source, composition, pharmacodynamics, clinical use and toxin are very abundant and excellent This article uses the tonifying method as the topic, and takes a famous prescription for example. We reviewed all the references especially including scientific research to explain the theory and clinical use about this prescription. We hope to enhance the validity and reliability about this prescription, and make the best benefit in clinical use.


Herbal Supplement and Dietary Supplement TCM
