  • 期刊


An Effectiveness Analysis of Acupuncture for Stroke Paitents with Post-Acute Care




Background: Often prolonged hospital stay for functional decline, stroke patients have requirement of inpatient post-acute care (PAC). Aim of this retrospective study is to analyze effectiveness of acupuncture for stroke patients with PAC. Materials and Methods: PAC patients enrolled from 2014.02 to 2017.06 were screened and divided into acupuncture (ACU) group and control group. Every stroke scale and item of Barthel index (BI) was compared between 2 groups. Results: After 380 PAC patients were screened and divided, the group sizes of acupuncture and control were 48 and 18 respectively. The backgrounds and scale scores varying by time between 2 groups had no significant difference, but the changes of scores of Barthel ADL index were improved more in ACU group. The scores of each BI item had no significant difference between 2 groups, but the changes in ambulation, stair climbing and transfer were improved more in ACU group significantly. Conclusion: We found acupuncture improved stroke patients' activity of daily livings with PAC, especially in mobility.


Stroke Acupuncture Post-acute Care Chinese medicine


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