  • 期刊


On the Discourse of Schematic Meridians from Past to Present


目的:論廣經脈脈道示意線的建構過程,重新釐定傳統醫學基礎理論古往今昔。方法:本文以探討《靈樞》、馬王堆、張家山、老官山、居延漢簡等傳世與出土資料,分析比較(Archival Comparative Study)秦漢時經脈脈道示意線的源流。結果:研究發現,所謂十二脈(經絡)的定型化假說,與初始經脈脈道示意概念並不一致,刺灸位置一開始僅是孔穴效應點的上下、左右、內外對應。銅人式經絡脈道圖與原始的感傳示意線分群並不一致,有許多是後人羼入的理想化模型。結論:以原典指導臨床,釐清源流、剔除增衍、深化療效,才能讓醫藥方術內涵更深更廣,使醫者為診治照顧全民健康有所貢獻。


脈道 孔穴 鍼灸


Objective: This paper aims to know the origin and evolution about meridians. Methods: We conduct this research by (archival comparative study) comparing of the residual slip chapter with the unearthed literatures on meridians as well as "Jing Mai" and "Jing Jin" in Spiritual Pivot. Results: We found that the origin and evolution of schematic meridian theory in Chin and Han dynasties were well explained. Thus, the re-construction process of traditional medicine was explored again. In addition, we presented the case about using original meridian treatment to tackle emergent case. Conclusion: We hope this research can provide some ideas for the field in healthcare. By depth reading the medical canons, physicians can learn more and do more for health care for all.


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