  • 期刊


Practice and Research on English Reading Strategy Instruction


網路世代學生閱讀能力普遍下滑,這點反應在技職體系的英文學習上尤其明顯。教學現場的觀察是:大部份技職體系學生還是把英文閱讀定位在句子層面上單字文法的學習,較缺乏整體閱讀理解及運用後設認知、認知策略的概念。因此,作者特別針對上述教學現場的問題,提出解決方案,即(一)教師充分利用課本上教導閱讀策略的習題,強化學生閱讀策略的使用;(二)某些認知策略(cognitive strategies)及支援策略(support strategies)的運用,較難用習題的方式呈現,教師則直接在課堂上實地示範;(三)教師另外將常用的閱讀後設認知及認知策略的應用,佐以大量的文本例句,錄製成影片並請學生完成相關的學習單,作為學生課後加強複習的工具;(四)使用「放聲思考」(think-aloud)的技巧驗收學生對於後設認知及認知策略的認識與運用。研究成果就以下四個面向進行分析、檢討與反思:(一)學生使用輔助教學影片的學習單表現;(二)學生「放聲思考」的紀錄;(三)學生使用閱讀策略認知問卷的結果,以及(四)學生多益考試閱讀部份前後測比較。研究發現英文閱讀策略教學在實踐上的確是有正面的意義存在。


The younger generation growing up in the internet era tends to have lower reading abilities and this is especially true to students learning English in the Technological and Vocational Education (TVE) system. One of the observations in today's English classrooms is that most TVE students still consider English reading as mastery of discrete vocabulary items and grammar rules at sentence level and are lack of the use of metacognitive and cognitive reading strategies which might facilitate their overall reading comprehension. The present study therefore proposed the following four solutions: (1) Students' use of some reading strategies could be strengthened by making the best use of the textbook exercises on those strategies; (2) For some cognitive and support strategies that are hard to be taught through textbook exercises, the teacher demonstrated them explicitly in class; (3) The teacher made teaching videos and worksheets on some common reading strategies in order for students to review them after class; (4) The teacher had students use the "think-aloud" technique to show their knowledge and use of reading strategies. The research data, including (1) students' video worksheet results, (2) students' think-aloud transcripts, (3) students' questionnaire survey results on their perceptions of reading strategy use and (4) students' pre- and post test scores on the TOEIC reading test, were then analyzed and discussed accordingly. The results show that English reading strategy instruction did have positive impact on students.


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