  • 期刊


HIV Prevalence and Risk Factors in a Hospital-Based Free HIV Testing Program in Southern Taiwan, 1994-2003


本院自1994年起為衛生署指定之愛滋病治療醫院,並為嘉南地區提供HIV免費篩檢。本研究分析於1994-2003十年間,至本院接受HIV免費篩檢者,其HIV盛行率及預測其感染HIV之危險因子。採橫斷面回溯性研究法,研究對象為於1994年1月至2003年12月底,主動至南部某醫學中心接受HIV免費篩檢之民眾。HIV-1抗體檢驗方式分為初次測試及最後確認,初次測試用酵素免疫分析法(Enzyme Immunoassay; EIA)及顆粒凝集法(PartiCIe Aggregation; PA)。初測陽性者續以西方墨點法(Western Blot; WB)做確認。結果自1994年至2003年共篩檢了1,823人次,HIV抗體陽性者39人次,整體HIV陽性率為2.1%。依受檢者在篩檢問卷上自述的資料,以單變項分析HIV相關因子結果發現,男同性性行為者(OR=7.62, CI: 1.75-33.7; p=0.002)、確認配偶或性伴侶感染HIV者(OR=12.3, CI: 3.3-45.5; p=0.003)、自述曾感染性病(OR=3.4, CI: 1.2-9.9; p=0.04)、自述曾感染梅毒(OR=19.2, CI: 3.6-102.4; p=0.009)四項其感染HIV的相對危險性較高。以多變項邏輯式回歸分析預測感染HIV之相關因子,在控制年齡之後,僅有確認配偶或性伴侶是感染者(OR=10.4, CI: 2.7-39.7; p=0.001)與自述曾感染梅毒(OR=19.1, CI: 3.5-104.2; p=0.001)在統計上有顯著意義。後者由於是依受檢者自述病史分析所得,需進一步研究確認。本研究結果顯示在本免費篩檢的民眾中,以男同性性行為,及有HIV陽性的性伴侶性行為及自述曾感染性病是感染HIV最重要危險因子。


Background: The government has sponsored voluntary free HIV testing programs in Taiwan for a decade, however reports of the prevalence, and risk factors for HIV infection from such HIV testing programs are lacking. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence and the risk factors for HIV infection among individuals seeking HIV testing in Tainan, Taiwan. Methods: This is a retrospective cross-sectional study of 1823 subjects attending the free HIV screening program during 1994 to 2003. The results of HIV testing and the data of self-administrated HIV screening questionnaires were analysis. HIV infection was screened by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays and particle aggregation test first, and then confirmed by Western Blot. Risk factors for HIV infection was analyzed and fitted to logistic regression models. Results: The overall prevalence of HIV infection was 2.1% (95% CI: 1.5-2.8). Factors associated with HIV infection by univariate analysis included having a HIV-positive sexual partner (OR=12.3, CI: 3.3-45.5; p=0.003), men having sex with men (OR=7.62, CI: 1.75-33.7; p=0.002) self-reported sexual transmitted diseases (OR=3.4, CI: 1.2-9.9; p=0.04.), self- reported syphilis infection (OR=19.2, CI: 3.3-102.4; p=0.009). Multiple logistic regression analysis was performed. Male homosexual behavior was not included in the analysis because only 27.8% of the individuals tested report sexual orientation. After controlling the age, factors independent associations with HIV infection were self-reported syphilis infection (OR=19.1, CI: 3.5-104.2; p=0.001) and having an HIV-positive sexual partner (OR=10.4, CI: 2.7-39.7; p=0.001). Conclusion: The present study demonstrated that homosexual behavior in men, having HIV-positive sexual partner, and self-reported sexual transmitted disease are the most important risk factors for HIV infection among individuals attending free voluntary testing.


