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An Investigation into Use of the Idea of "Spirit" from "Reproducing a Spirit Dream" in Enlightenment Therapy


「神」是內在「集體無意識」中最大的潛能,而人要如何重新獲得此能力,就是本文所要探討:恢復「內在陰陽平衡」之後,自動展現「曼陀羅」(mandala),這就是榮格所謂的「象徵治療法」(Symbolic Therapy),我稱之為「開悟治療法」。亦是「無形仙丹」,也就是本篇文章所要探討的內容。內在陰陽平衡是由「自動調節系統」所控制,為什麼會產生陰陽失衡,而發生疾病呢?因為現代人自我意識過度高亢,批判性的看待事情和意志導向,已經卸除了這種自動調節的功能。因此,自我意識的過度干擾必需移除;內在心靈反撲的情緒和惡夢,需要得到理解與統合,才能讓失衡的內在自動調節系統恢復調控功能,之後,內在心靈自然展現「曼陀羅」神聖圖騰(Sacred Totem),它是一種「開悟狀態」的象徵,具有療癒身心靈的功能。悟後起修,是開始走向心靈成長之路,榮格稱之「個體化」之路,朝向「自我實現」之路前進。


The "spirit" (shen) is a latent energy potential residing in the "collective unconscious." This article will investi-gate how people can obtain this energy potential. After the "internal yin and yang" are rebalanced "Mandala" automatically unfolds, this is what Jung called "symbolic therapy" or what I call "enlightenment treatment". It is also the "formless elixir of life" and will be investigated in this article. The internal yin and yang balance is controlled by an automatic system of the body, but how does this system fall out of balance and why do people become ill? It is because modern day people's self awareness is overly high, with a critical outlook and overly directed consciousness; thus the func-tionality of this system is already lost. Therefore the obstructions caused by an overly alert consciousness must be removed. The functionality of the automatic system of balance can only be restored by attaining understanding and control over negative thoughts and emotions. Once this is achieved the sacred totem of "Mandala" will unfold, a symbol of the "state of enlightenment" which can heal the activities of the heart and mind. After enlightenment a path of mental and spiritual growth begins, this is what Jung called the process of "individualization," continuing towards "self-realization."
