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圍針法 分針法 經緯針法在針刺療法臨床應用

Clinical application of encirclement needling method, segmented needling method, and warp and weft needling method in acupuncture therapy


在傳統的14經輸穴治療理論與經驗之外,仍有無邊無際無數的治療點可供醫者應用治病。臨床觀察:「有是病,有是穴,有新病,生新穴,病性變,穴位移,,是故:身無定穴。」的經驗上,以圍針法 分針法 經緯針法之針刺療法可取得治療效,這三種方法有別於十四經絡方法,可以協同中醫正統治療,給予多方面的治療思維。


In addition to the theories and experiences of needling the traditional acupoints on the 14 meridians, there are a myriad of other therapeutic acupoints available for practitioners to treat disease and ailments. From my clinical experiences, I have observed that "Where there is an illness, there is an acupoint; where there is a new illness, there is a new acupoint; and when the illness changes, the acupoint changes. This is because there are no fixed acupoints on the body." The encirclement needling method, segmented needling method, and warp and weft needling method can be clinically applied to achieve effective therapeutic results. These three methods are different from the 14 meridian method and can be combined with other traditional Chinese medicine therapeutic approaches to provide another option for your therapeutic regimen.


