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Post-Traumatic Syndrome, Depression and Suicide among Cancer Survivors


研究發現癌症病人,其中68%曾經歷適應障礙症(Adjustment disorder)、13%經歷過憂鬱症、4%經歷焦慮症等症狀。即使未有精神科診斷之癌症病人,亦在臨床上呈現有明顯較高的憂鬱、焦慮、身體症狀及畏懼症狀。研究發現約15.3%的癌症病人會符合創傷後壓力症(PTSD)診斷,且以反覆瀕死經驗、身體症狀及感到麻木失真感為主。而這些症狀都與病前曾經歷創傷精驗及/或生活品質降低有關。雖然癌症病人在聽聞罹癌診斷後,憂鬱情緒是必經的情緒過程,然而在施用的抗癌藥物中,確也有會引起憂鬱的副作用。癌症個案自殺率是一般人的兩倍,而男性高於女性,年齡越大自殺率越高,自殺率最高常在癌症診斷後的第一年。鑑於憂鬱本身會造成身體免疫功能降低,而最新研究發現免疫療法應是未來癌症治療另一希望。故早期發現、早期會診及早期處理,應是可提昇個案生活品質、減少自殺風險及提昇免疫力的一大良方。


癌症 創傷後壓力症 憂鬱 自殺


About 68% of cancer survivors suffered from adjustment disorder, 13% from depression and 4% from anxiety related disorders. Many cancer survivors, without a psychiatric diagnosis, also experience relatively high levels of depression, anxiety, somatization and phobia. Researchers found that about 15% of cancer survivors reported symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); re-experience of dying, somatization, numbing, and symptoms related to personal past live events/life quality. Besides cancer itself, side effects of some cancer treatment agents may also cause depression. Suicide commit rate among cancer survivors is two-fold of the general population; it is relatively higher in the male and in the elderly. The highest suicide rate occurred within the first year of diagnosis. Depression may negatively impact a person's immune system; therefore, it is reasonable to assume that early detecting, early consulting, and early management of depression might maleate symptoms related to cancer in terms of immune function enhancement among cancer survivors.


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