  • 期刊


The Study of Information Needs and Satisfaction of Family Caregivers of Terminal Cancer Patients in a Palliative Care Unit


本研究在某醫學中心有17床的緩和醫療病房進行,從民國91年1月初到2月中旬選擇15位家屬照顧者,以半結構式的訪談指引,面對面地進行訪談,內容經過整理後擬定成為38項問題的研究問卷,在照顧需求的重要性和需求的滿意度都採Likert-type scale(0~4)計分。於民國91年2月底到5月底,將此問卷對60位家屬照顧者正式施測,根據問卷的得分將需求的重要性進行因素分析,男性多於女性,平均是63.27歲,癌症以肝癌為最多(20%),診斷癌症的時間平均是20.1個月,64%的病人是完全由家屬擔任主要的照顧工作。病患的家屬照顧者共有60位,女性多於男性,平均年齡是42.6歲,照顧者最多是兒子和女兒(50%),回答問卷平均是在住院的第8.2天。和病人同住者佔了60%,照顧工作有人輪替者多達95%,平均有3.2人擔任輪替的工作,負擔照顧工作迄今的時間平均是9.3個月,照顧的頻率是平均每週5.7天,每天平均13.8小時。他們認為病人知道病情者佔了65%,但是他們認為有必要告知病患病情則約佔了62%,認為病患有交代後事者約有63%,然而認為病人有必要交代後事則約有73%。這當中有12位家屬接受同一問卷的再測,以女性佔大多數,間隔日平均是6.8天,對於需求重要性和需求滿意度的一致性的平均值各是59.87%和55.26%。經過Pair-t test分析後,發現所有的需求重要性的項目和需求滿意度的項目,兩兩之間都有顯著的相關性,在訊息需求的重要性和其滿意度(P=0.041),兩兩之間的差異皆達到統計上的顯著差異。


This pilot study is to establish the questionnaire concerning about the care needs and satisfaction of family caregivers of terminal cancer patients who received inpatient palliative care. We revised the preliminary questionnaires from interviews with family caregivers by semi-constructive interview guide in a 17-bed palliative care unit. There are 38 items which contain care needs and needs satisfaction which both scored the priority by Likert-type scale (0~4). Sixty family caregivers were enrolled in our study after getting written informed consents between Feb. and May , 2002. Using factor analysis method, there are 5 main factors including information needs. The mean time of the interview for the caregivers is 8.2 day after the patients’ admission. Among these caregivers, there were 12 receiving retest with a mean time interval of 6.8 days. All 38 items of care needs and needs satisfaction are significantly correlated using a pair-t test analysis. The mean scores of needs satisfaction are less than those of care needs in information needs for patients. From these results, we recommend that pallitive care team must pay more attention to these services to increase the satisfaction of family caregivers.


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