



Effective Pain management in the terminally ill patient requires an understanding of pain control strategies. Appropriate pain assessment and determining the causes/ the kinds of pain can provide suitable methods and medications for the management of pain. Basic principles for the pain management at the end of life should be followed the World Health Organization’s three-step analgesic ladder accomplished with adjuvant procedures and therapies. Treatment of the “ Total pain” will achieve a successful pain relief. Difficulties in managing pain in the dying patients are included the neuropathic pain, the breakthrough pain, the refractory pain and the difficulty swallowing; which can usually be controlled by the aggressive titration of pain medication, the use of adjuvant agents, changing the medication or route of administration, opioid rotation and the use of terminal sedation. The physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs of dying patients are best managed with a team approach to minimizing their suffering. Home care and visits can provide comfort and facilitate the doctor-patient-family relationship at the end of life.


palliative care pain management end of life

