  • 期刊


An Investigation on Health Status of Hospice Caregivers


研究目的:探討安寧療護主要照顧者生活品質及憂鬱程度,並將結果與台灣民眾所建立之生活品質常模比較,以了解照顧者因為照護情境影響身心健康與一般民眾生活品質之差別。材料與方法:為橫斷式研究,以北部某醫學中心接受安寧療護患者之照顧者為研究對象。共收集25 名照顧者以SF-36 問卷自評身心健康狀態,再以自評的生活品質進行描述性分析,比較其與台灣民眾常模之差異。另以漢式憂鬱量表評估照顧者憂鬱情況。結果:生活品質中,活力、心理健康、與一般健康得分較低。與常模相較,樣本除生理角色受限與情緒角色受限得分高於常模外,其餘均低於常模。憂鬱狀態≥8 分者,其整體生活品質、一般健康狀況、活力、社會功能、因情緒問題角色受限、及心理健康之得分皆比憂鬱狀態≤7 分者低。照顧者憂鬱情形在活力狀況、社會功能、及心理健康都有顯著負相關。結論:安寧療護需注意照顧者的心理健康及活力狀態,可發展以照顧者為中心的介入方案,例如定期心理諮商等,以提升照顧者的生活品質。


Purpose: The aims of this study was to investigate the health related quality of life and depression status of the family caregivers while they entering hospice program. Method: A cross-sectional study using Short-Form 36 Item Health Survey (SF 36) Taiwan version and Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAMD) questionnaires were performed. A convenience sample of 25 family caregivers of terminally cancer patients were recruited who were admitted to the hospice care of a medical center in northern Taiwan. A comparison was made between norms of the SF 36 general population of Taiwanese and samples. Result: Result indicated that vitality, mental health, and general health of the quality of life scores were lower. Compared with norms, this study showed that role functions were higher than general population of Taiwanese. Caregivers who reported HAM-D ≥8 tend to score significantly lower than HAM-D≤7 subjects on general qulity of life, general health, vitality, social functioning, role limitation due to emotional problems, and mental health. Conclusion: The study highlights that mental health and vitality status of the caregivers is an important issue. Developing intervention strategies such as regular psychological consultation to improving the qulity of life of caregivers.


hospice care caregiver qulity of life depression norms


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