  • 期刊


Decision-Making Experience of Inter Hospital Shared Care Ventilator-Dependent Case by The Four Boxes of Clinical Ethics


呼吸器依賴個案撤除維生醫療往往引發各種倫理法律議題。本文描述藉由安寧跨院際共同照護模式,協助一位RCW 呼吸器依賴個案進行倫理四象限決策之經驗報告。安寧跨院際照護過程藉由倫理四象限探討,以尊重個案自主意願和維護最大利益為原則,最終協助個案簽署預立安寧緩和醫療暨維生醫療抉擇意願書進行撤除維生醫療,解決倫理照護難題使個案得以善終、家屬得以善別;期望藉由此個案分享提高病人自主權利於安寧療護的運用。


Withdraw of life-sustaining treatments in long-term respirator dependence of cases often lead to a variety of ethical legal issues. This article describes that decision-making experience of inter hospital shared care RCW ventilator-dependent case by the four boxes of clinical ethics. In inter hospital shared care process, respect the wishes of autonomy and maintain their best interests principle by the four boxes of clinical ethics discussion. Finally we help the case sign Advance hospice palliative care and life sustaining treatment choices of intent, Withdraw of life-sustaining treatments, solving the ethical care problems, make the case good death and families good grief. We expected by this case to improve autonomous right in hospice palliative care.


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