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Hospice palliative care Experience of a terminal-stage hepatocellular carcinoma Patient and family




This article describes the palliative care nursing experience of a hospice patient and family with hepatocellular carcinoma. The nursing period was from 08^(th) April to 24^(th) April in 2020 and the authors collected physical examination, interviewed and observed family interaction along with use of Gordon's 11 functional health patterns. The patient had presented with dry mouth, skin itch, risk of impaired skin integrity and anticipatory grief health problems. Therefore, we used individual comfort nursing to relieve physical discomfort, and life review to encourage family expressing the worries and expected grief in the face of death. In the end, the case filled with love without regrets, and the family members who were also relieved to see the case's peaceful face, to achieve the mission of peace of life and death. We share this nursing experience and expect it as a reference for care of terminal-stage of hepatocellular carcinoma patients in the future.


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