  • 期刊


Is the Operations-Related or Non-Operations-Related Corporate Social Responsibility Activities Associated With Tax Avoidance?




In this study, we dichotomize the disclosures on firms' corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports into operations-related CSR and non-operations-related CSR disclosures and investigate the relationships between these two kinds of CSR disclosures and firms' tax avoidance behavior. The operations-related CSR is associated with performance improving and cost reducing; however, the non-operations-related CSR is associated with firm reputation enhancing. Thus the tax avoidance behaviors which are adopted to improve firm performance and firm value are suppressed for considering the negative effect on the firm reputation. Following prior studies, we use book-tax differences to measure firms' tax avoidance behaviors and find that operations-related CSR activities have significantly positive effect on book-tax differences and that non-operations-related CSR activities have significantly negative effect on book-tax differences, supporting the predictions. Furthermore, the result holds when we measure firms' tax avoidance behavior by using permanent book-tax differences. Moreover, we find that the positive relationship between operations-related CSR activities and permanent book-tax differences only exists for firms of voluntary reporting CSR activities, implying that voluntary disclosure of CSR activities creates more incentive on tax avoidance.


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