  • 期刊


Factors Associated with Maternal Choice of Feeding Methods for the Newborn During the Antepartum Period


本研究旨在探討產前決定嬰兒哺餵方式的相關因素與人口學特徵之關係。以南部一所醫學中心產前門診,懷孕週數大於 33 週之 87 位孕婦為研究對象,以結構式問春調查孕婦選擇哺餵嬰充的方式及考應因素。結果發現:(一).嬰兒哺餵方式的主要決定者在於孕婦本身, 54 %孕婦決定以母乳及配方奶混合哺餵,34%孕婦決定純餵母乳;(二)•選擇哺餵母孚 L 的主要因素為,增加寶寶抵抗力、滿足寶寶營養需要、增加親子關係、促進子宮復原、經濟省錢;(三).選擇混合奶之主要因素為:擔心乳汁不足、寶寶吃不飽、外出無適當場所哺餵、寶寶不會吸母奶、沒有接受指導、不知如何餵、擔心脹奶;(四).孕婦人口學特徵及哺乳經驗與選擇嬰充哺餵方式並無關聯。但高中及以下之教育程度者,有傾向朴選擇混合哺餵之趨努(p=.052)。本研究結果可提供將來推動產前母乳哺餵衛教重點之參考,護理人員可就加強臨床技術指導,提供有效增加乳汁分泌的飲食衛教,減少擔心嬰充飢餓,並指導改善賬奶不適的方法,提升母親哺餵母乳的信心。


產前 哺餵母奶 混合哺餵


The purpose of this study was to explore factors associated with maternal choice of feeding methods for the newborn during the antepartum period. Eighty seven expectant mothers with gestation greater than 33 weeks participated in this study. Subjects were recruited from the prenatal clinic of a medical center in the southern area of Taiwan. A structured questionnaire was used to investigate maternal considerations in choosing feeding methods for their newborn. Results shows that expectant mothers were the main decision-makers regarding feeding methods, and 54% of them decided to feed their infants with both breast milk and formula (so-called mixed feeding) and 34% with breast milk. Decisions to breastfeed were made for the purpose of increasing infants’ resistance to diseases, providing nutritional needs, strengthening mother-infant relationship, promoting uterine rehabilitation, and saving money. Reasons for mixed feeding included worries of insufficient lactation and resultant infant hunger, infants’ inability to suck on the breast without being taught how to breast-feed, lack of an adequate place for breastfeeding, and pain induced by breast engorgement. Although characteristics of expectant mothers were not significantly related to the decision of feeding methods, mothers who were educated with or below high school graduate tended to select mixed feeding methods (p.052). Results of this study provide information for the future health teaching of breastfeeding. Enhancing teaching of feeding skill and ways of increasing volume of breast milk could increase mothers’ confidence and motivation to breastfeed.


antepartum breastfeeding mixed feeding


