  • 期刊


Standardize and Contemporary for Care with Indwelling Catheter



護理專業攸關著人的生命與健康,為確保護理照護的水準,必須以一套明確的標準加以規範與管控(陳,民84)。本單位為內科加護病房,多數病人需長期使用留置尿管,86年度尿管留置年平均為91.58%,可見「留置尿管護理」是一項常見之護理措施。由於本院無留置尿管護理技術標準,護理人員所執行的技術步驟不一,致醫材用物使用及清潔效果的不一致,因此將此技術標準化是非常需要且須立即採行的。 本專案旨在將留置尿管護理技術標準化,以節省醫材、達到病人清潔和舒適的目的。改善方法包括:(1)參考近期文獻,以肥皂和水的方式作為留置尿管護理的方法;(2)訂定清楚、明確的「留置尿管護理技術準則」,定期稽核技術;(3)舉辦在職教育,加強宣導。結果顯示,除技術步驟的統一,與標準化前比較:醫材成本在男性病患減少了5.48元、女性病患減少8.39元;留置尿管護理清潔完成率達100%,較標準化前成長約40%,與改善方案前相比顯著提高。故本專案舉辦在職教育,加強宣導確實在留置尿管護理的品質提升有所成效。


Nursing is a professional business which deals with human life and health. We have to build standards to regulate and control the level of nursing (Chan, 1995). At medical intensive care unit (MICU) where the author works many patients have to spent a lot of time using indwelling catheters. According to the annual report at 1998, the ratio of patients using indwelling catheters is 91.58%, a very high ratio of catheter patients. Since our hospital has no standards for the care of indwelling catheter patients, nurses care for indwelling catheter in different ways, and the materials and the materials and cleaning results in caring for indwelling catheter patients are different. So standardizing skill are necessary steps that need to be executed immediately. This project aims to standardize the care of indwelling catheter patients, and make the materials less. Patients were more and comfort after receiving the care of indwelling catheter patients described below. The method included: (1) Collecting recent references, and deciding to using the soap and water as the process to clean for indwelling catheter. (2) Conducting an education of the care of indwelling catheter patients and publicity. (3) Coming to an understanding and definite model of the care of indwelling catheter patients. The results of this project have showed: We have not just unified the care of indwelling catheter patients but also decreased the costs. The material costs for the care of indwelling catheter patients in male patients has fallen to about 5.48N.T. dollars, and in female patients has fallen to about 8.39 N.T. dollars, The cleaning ratio is new 100% which before standardization was about 40%. These results prove that the project of standardization and contemporarization of care of patients with indwelling catheter is successful in improving the quality of nursing.


