  • 期刊


Physiological Status Outcome Measurement of Incentive Spirometry Intervention in Thoracic Surgery Patients



造成胸腔手術病患死亡的主因之一是肺合併症,諸多文獻探討病患在術前採用誘導性肺量測器,可有效預防手術後肺合併症的發生。本研究的主要目的是探討應用誘導性肺量測定器於開胸手術病患的術後胸部X光檢查結果、發燒狀況、動脈血氧合度值與白血球值之成果。研究的設計為類實驗性設計法,以台北市某一級教學醫院之開胸手術病患對為對象,收案時間為88年11月至89年4月,共收案對照組42人及實驗組23人,用獨立及相依樣本t檢定、卡方檢定與McNemar考驗以進行資料分析。 研究結果顯示:在術後第三天的胸部X光檢查結果、1~3天的發燒狀況與白血球值三方面,實驗組呈現手術後肺合併症人數與發燒人數、平均體溫與白血球值均低於對照組;而實驗組在術後1~3天的動脈血氧合度值均高於對照組。根據以上結果,可促使醫療從業人員更加確認教導手術患者使用誘導肺量測定器,對於預防手術後肺合併症的發生確實具有改善之成效。


Pulmonary complications are the major cause of morbidity following thoracic surgery. Many studies reported using incentive spirometry to prevent lung complications following surgery. The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of incentive spirometry on thoracic surgery patients. Indicators used in the study included: 1) chest X-ray,2)fever,3) PaO2/FiO2 ,4) WBC. A qusi-experimental research design was employed for this study. During November 1999 to April 2000, total of sixty-five samples were selected from a 1200-beds teaching hospital; forty-two patients were in the control group and twenty-three patients were in the experimental group. Five instruments were used in this study: recording file, incentive spirometry, thermometer, gas analytic machine and blood count machine. Statistical methods including t-test, paired t-test, chi-square and McNemar test were used for data analysis. There was a significantly higher incidence of postoperative pulmonary complications in the radiologic evidence on the third postoperative day, and in the fever condition and WBC data on the 1~3postoperative days in the control group. The PaO2/FiO2 results of the experimental qroup were better than those of the control qroup during the 1~3 postoperative days. The fingings suggest that using incentive spirometry following thoracic surgery could prevent postoperative pulmonary complications.


