  • 期刊


Exploring Squirrel Damage Assessment Methodology of Cryptomeria japonica Plantation Forests


自1980年代,赤腹松鼠在溪頭柳杉林造成許多危害,此現象引起許多研究及管理上的關注。尤其近幾年,觀察到大量柳杉樹冠枯死的情形。據推測,由於溪頭日漸成為熱門觀光景點,遊客數量在過去幾年急劇增加。同時也觀察到遊客有餵食松鼠的傾向,造成松鼠被馴化且使得其數量逐漸增加, 間接造成了松鼠對柳杉人工林林木的樹冠為害。目前,於溪頭營林區中對於受到鼠害的範圍及嚴重性尚未掌握完全。本篇研究目的在於探討柳杉林林分下鼠害目測評估機制,藉此希望能增進現場鼠害評估效率,以了解目前鼠害情況。不僅如此,長期評估有助於調整不同的鼠害防治方案。


Since 1980's, red-bellied tree squirrel has caused tremendous amount of damage to planted Cryptomeria japonica trees at Xitou Nature Education Area. This has attracted significant attention from researchers and managers. More recently, a large number of C. japonica trees suffered from crown dieback. An underlying cause is due to Xitou becoming a major tourist attraction in recent years from increasing number of tourists. In the meantime, tourists feeding squirrels has been observed. This in turn causes the squirrel population to increase that leads to greater crown dieback. At present, it is an ongoing effort to quantify the extent of squirrel damage and its degree. This study aimed at developing under canopy visual assessment of squirrel damage criteria and indicators. The intention is to facilitate field assessment for better quantification on current status of squirrel damage. The long-term benefit is adapting pest management strategies to changing scenarios.
