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Colonialism and Museum: Example from the Taiwan Governor's Palace Museum in Japanese Colonial Period of Taiwan



本文是從日本殖民臺灣的背景出發,以探討日據時代臺灣總督府博物館設立的原因、歷史發展與其意義。根據當時相關的資料與文獻,筆者認為日本殖民政府在西元一九○八年創設臺灣總督府博物館最主要的動機,就是宣誓對臺主權與宣揚治臺成績。從一九○八年到一九二○年間,臺灣總督府博物館一方面承績先前日本對臺灣自然史研究之成果,另一方面積極從事對臺灣自然、人文的標本文物蒐集與陳列,蒐集足夠代表臺灣的「標本」以呈 現臺灣自然之珍奇面、人文之多樣面以及社會之進步面的「真相」,正是此時期「臺灣總督府博物館」主要的角色與定位。但在一九二○年後,由於殖民宣傳不再是日本政府主要的關切,而臺灣總督府博物館內部又面臨組織、人事與經費等問題之困擾。因此,博物館的定位漸漸從著重蒐藏陳列轉變為社會教育取向。一九三三年,「臺灣博物館協會」之成立,終於確立了博物館作為社教機構的性格。


This major purpose of this paper is to explore the origin and historical development of the Taiwan Governor's Palace Museum under the Japanese colonial context of Taiwan. Based on the historical documents of that time, it is argued that, to the Japanese colonial government, the main purposes of the Taiwan Governor's Palace Museum is to assert Japanese sovereignty over Taiwan and to show off his modernizing skill of transforming Taiwan. With these purposes, the Taiwan Governor's Palace Museum, between 1908 and 1920, has witnessed a very rapid growth of its collections. The rapid expansion of the collections reflects the intention of Japanese colonialism to represent the biological curiosity of Taiwan, the exotic aspect of the peoples, and the progress has been achieved under the Japanese rule. After the 1920s, however, due to the fact that the colonial propaganda was no longer the major concern to the Japanese colonial government, and also due to the fact that the Taiwan Governors Palace Museum itself has faced serious organizational, finical and personnel problems, the museum gradually transformed from a collecting and research center into a social education institution. During 1933, with the establishment of the Taiwan Museum Association, the Taiwan Governor's Palace Museum has finally become an institution of social education.
