  • 期刊


Factors Affecting Primary School Students on Cognition of Plastic Reduction Behavior and Decision-Making Attitude in Problem-Based Learning




This study explored whether the environmental protection curriculum designed with PBL could effectively improve students' awareness and attitudes of plastic reduction behavior. The researcher investigate into whether gender, peer influence, specific environmental knowledge, media exposure to environmental information, participation in local environmental activities, and environmental awareness were essential factors affecting students' cognition of plastic reduction behavior and decision-making attitude. In this study, the researchers applied quasi-experimental design and cluster sampling. A total of 85 people participated, with 58 people in the experimental group (divided into two groups due to different experimental interventions) and 28 people in the control group. The results are as follows: (1) This course can effectively improve students' cognition and attitude; (2) Peer influence, specific environmental knowledge, and media exposure to environmental information are important factors that affect students' cognitive performance in plastic reduction behavior; (3) Gender is an important influencing factor on students' attitudes towards plastic reduction behavior; (4) Participation in local environmental activities, parental influence, and environmental awareness have no effect on cognition and attitude. The results provided valuable pedagogical suggestions for future research.


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