  • 期刊

The Prevalence of Colonic Diverticular Disease in Patients with Bowel Symptoms



背景和目的:大腸憩室疾病是一種臨床常見的疾病,但其在不同國家或地區的盛行率卻有很大的差異。本研究目的爲探討中臺灣有腸道症狀成人病患大腸憩室疾病的盛行率。 材料和方法:收集西元2001年1月至2005年12月3885名有腸道症狀的病患,並於中國醫藥大學附設醫院接受下消化道鋇劑攝影檢查,做爲本研究之材料。以放射科醫師回溯性分析病患之鋇劑攝影檢查影像爲方法,判斷大腸憩室疾病之有無及位置。再將罹患大腸憩室疾病之病患作進一步探討與研究。 結果:本研究顯示中臺灣有腸道症狀成人病患之大腸憩室疾病的盛行率爲11.9%。中臺灣成人大腸憩室疾病之盛行率相對於西方已開發國家或鄰近亞洲先進國家是比較低的。大腸憩室疾病盛行率最高的族群是介於80-90歲年齡層的成人。相對於高加索人種而言,我們的研究顯示中臺灣成人病患之大腸憩室疾病主要好發於右側;約63.8%的病患位於右側大腸,約20.3%的病患位於左側大腸,15.9%的病患雙側大腸都有。大腸憩室最常見的部位位於升結腸,佔所有大腸憩室疾病病患的56.8%。右側及左側大腸憩室疾病盛行率皆隨著年齡增加而增加,年輕族群之大腸憩室疾病則好發於右側大腸。 結論:本研究發現中臺灣有腸道症狀成人病患之大腸憩室疾病的盛行率是低於鄰近亞洲先進國家,但此疾病主要好發於右側大腸的現象,則與其他亞洲種族相同而不同於高加索人種。


Background and Aim: Colonic diverticular disease is a common disorder worldwide, but its prevalence varies among different countries and regions. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of colonic diverticular disease in adult patients with bowel symptoms in mid-Taiwan. Materials and Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 3885 consecutive patients who received barium enema examinations for a variety of bowel symptoms at the China Medical University Hospital in mid-Taiwan from January 2001 to December 2005. Results: Our study revealed that the prevalence of colonic diverticular disease in an adult population with bowel symptoms in mid-Taiwan was 11.9%. This prevalence was lower than that in Western countries and some developed Asian countries. Moreover, the peak prevalence occurred in the age group of 81-90 years. In contrast to the Caucasian population, right colonic involvement was predominant 63.8%, but left hemicoloic, and bilateral distributions were 20.3%, and 15.9%, respectively. The most common site of involvement was the ascending colon, which occurred in 56.8% of the patients. The prevalence increased with age for both right and left diverticulosis, with right diverticulosis predominating among the younger age groups. Conclusion: The prevalence of colonic diverticular disease in patients with bowel symptoms in mid-Taiwan is lower than that of the other developed Asian countries, but this disease did show a predominance of right-sided involvement similar to other Asian populations.


diverticular disease colon barium enema
