  • 期刊

The Association Between Irregular Humeral Greater Tuberosities and Rotator Cuff Tears: An Arthrographic Study



目的 在骨科的文章中,有提及不規則邊緣之肱骨大粗隆和轉軸肌腱斷裂。但是並未有正式的研究,本研究是要確定這兩者的關係。 方法 在慢性肩關節疼痛的病人,如果接受保守治療三個月,並未有成效。如果其肱骨大粗隆有不規則邊緣,我們將請53位這一類的病患接受肩關節雙重對比攝影術。另外,我們請51位照片正常的病患,作為對照組,以作參考。 結果 在53位研究組的患者中,其中22位有轉軸肌腱斷裂。在51位對照組中,5位有轉軸肌腱斷裂。 結論 在慢性肩關節疼痛的病人,如果其肱骨大粗隆有不規則邊緣,我們建議其早日接受肩關節雙重對比攝影術,以便早日發現轉軸肌腱斷裂。


Objectives. Although there is an association between rotator cuff tears and irregular humeral greater tuberosities, no formal study has been done. Our study was designated to investigate the relationship between irregular humeral greater tuberosities and rotator cuff tears. Methods. The study group consisted of 53 patients with a history of shoulder pain for more than 3 months whose radiographs showed irregular greater tuberosities. The control group comprised 51 individuals with history of shoulder pain for more than 3 months whose radiographs were normal. These two gropups received arthrographic study altogether. Results. Arthrographic study of 22 patients (41.5%) in the study group showed rotator cuff tear, while that of 5 patients (9.8%) in the control group showed rotator cuff tear. The incidence of tear was high and statistically significant. (p = 0.00023) Conclusions. If radiographs of patients with chronic shoulder pain show irregular greater tuberosities, the incidence of rotator cuff tear is high. Shoulder arthrography study is necessary and early detection of rotator cuff tear is possible.
