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Metastatic Hepatocellular Carcinoma Presenting as Skull Tumor



本文報告一位肝癌病人以顱骨腫瘤為其最初臨床表現。個案為一位63多歲女性患者,主訴住院前五個月發現左額部有一腫塊。住院時其神經學理學檢查無異常發現,血液檢查除了GOT及GPT數值稍高外,其餘均在正常範圍值以內。頭部電腦斷層掃描及磁振造影均顯示於患者左額部有一骨蝕性腫瘤並且侵犯頭皮及硬膜。腹部電腦斷層掃描顯示肝臟右葉有囊狀結節。患者接受根除性顱骨腫瘤切除,所遺留下來的頭皮缺損,則利用局部轉動頭皮皮瓣來作修復,至於捐皮區則用半層皮膚移植片覆蓋。該顱骨腫瘤的病理診斷為肝癌顱骨轉移。綜合患者整個病史,她左額部腫塊為其肝癌的第一個臨床表徵。(中台灣醫誌2004 ; 9 : 135 一9 )


A 63-year-old woman presented with a palpable mass on the left frontal region of her skull; the mass had been noted for about 5 months prior to this admission. Her neurological examination was normal. Blood tests showed slightly elevated levels of GOT and GPT, but her alpha-fetoprotein level was within the normal range. Cranial CT and MR imaging revealed an osteolytic soft tissue mass involving the scalp with epidural extension to the left frontal region. Abdominal CT showed a hypodense tumor in the right lobe of liver. The skull tumor was radically resected. The resultant scalp defect was covered by a local rotation scalp flap while the primary donor site was covered by a split-thickness skin graft. The histological diagnosis was skull metastasis from hepatocellular carcinoma. The bulging mass on her left frontal and forehead regions was the initial clinical manifestation of her hepatocellular carcinoma. ( Mid Taiwan J Med 2004;9:135-9 )
