  • 期刊


Effects of Preservative Treatment on the Physical and Mechanical Properties of New Wood Components Used for Listed Historical Buildings


本研究以ACQ防腐藥劑進行柳杉、杉木、台灣杉等製材之抽真空加壓防腐注入處理,使各材種之吸收量達古蹟木構件所需之最低有效吸收量(即CNS 3000中之K2、K3、K4級吸收量)後,進行物理與機械性質之試驗,以究明國內古蹟修復用新木料經ACQ防腐藥劑注入後物理與機械性質之變化。試驗結果顯示,在ACQ防腐處理材與對照組相較之下,以木料之平均抗彎彈性模數(MOE)/比重與平均抗彎破壞模數(MOR)/比重進行ANOVA同質性統計分析,結果顯示其強度變化不顯著(除了台灣杉K2組MOE會顯著降低外),MOE與MOR變動值約在正負10%左右。尺度收縮率試驗結果顯示,ACQ處理材不論是徑向與弦向,其收縮率均會較對照組為大。


The sawn timbers of Japanese cedar, China fir, and Taiwania were treated with ACQ by Bethell-process according to CNS 3000. The effects of preservative treatment on the physical and mechanical properties of new wood components used for listed historical buildings in Taiwan were then examined. The results revealed that the difference of specific MOR value and specific MOE value between most ACQ-treated timbers and control groups was not significant according to ANOVA analysis. The variation of MOE and MOR value was about 10%. It was also found that the radial and tangential shrinkage of ACQ-treated timbers were larger than those of control groups.
