  • 期刊


Survey of Children's Safety Education, Accidents and Emergency Treatment in Kindergarten and Day Care Centers



本研究主要是探討幼兒園中意外事件的發生情形及其處理方式。針對中部地區某縣市之立案托兒所與幼稚園,進行「幼兒園幼兒意外事件與安全教育」問卷調查之資料收集。樣本寄出175份,回收78份,回收率約45%左右。我們以次數分配及百分比進行描述性分析;同時也用卡方檢定及變異數分析,來測試不同機構類型在安全教育及意外事件上的差異情形。 本研究結果顯示,在幼兒意外事件類型方面,幼兒園中最為常見的意外事件依序為,流鼻血、跌傷、腹痛、昆蟲咬傷及撞傷等五項;在「人咬傷」與「抓傷」意外事件上,托兒所的發生率比幼稚園高,其餘意外事件皆未因機構類型而有顯著差異存在。在意外事件處理方式方面,園所皆以有「家長授權緊急聯絡電話」者最為普遍;有六成左右的園所有使用「意外事件紀錄表格」;然卻只有不及五成的園所有使用「家長授權緊急處置同意書」及「緊急事件處理流程」。在意外事件處理步驟中,本研究發現園所較重視「保護傷者」及「送醫急救」二項步驟,而忽略其他的步驟。幼兒園安全教育課程的教導率以「生活常規」最為徹底,而以「水災」與「(性)虐待」課程的教導率最低,且不及五成。從機構類型別來看,私立托兒所安全教育課程的教導率皆低於公、私立幼稚園。最後本研究針對幼兒園、政府單位及未來研究提出具體建議。


This research studies safety education programs, types of children’s accidents and emergency treatment in kindergartens and day care centers. Seventy six valid samples were taken from kindergartens and day care centers in central Taiwan. A questionnaire that investigated children’s accidents and safety education in preschool programs was also developed and submitted to participants in this study. The results indicated that the most frequent accidents in kindergartens and day care centers are falls, bug bites, vomiting, nosebleeds, and disorientation. The two types of children programs significantly differed in terms of the incidence of human bites, in which day care centers reported a higher frequency than kindergartens. In terms of emergency treatment, most of the child care and education centers keep the telephone numbers of parents. Over 60% of those centers fill out an accidents record form for emergencies. Slightly over 40% had notarized parental permission forms for children to authorize emergency treatment. Moreover, only 30% of the centers had well-prepared plans or procedures for emergency care. Some recommendations were also made for governmental authorities and managers of child care programs in terms of promoting children’s safety.
