  • 期刊


Assessing the Quality of Effectiveness Studies for Systematic Review in Evidence-Based Medicine




Quality assessment of selected studies is critical to a systematic review, a scientific method applied to evidence-based medicine. Studies with varying quality will significantly impact a final conclusion and, eventually, can lead to incorrect recommendations. In systematic review, quality assessment is essential at each stage from initial selection of literature to final clinical practice and research recommendations. Assessing study quality is to determine internal and external validity. First, reviewers should establish minimal quality requirements for inclusion and exclusion of studies exploring related topics. Then reviewers should develop and apply a quality check list and/or quality scale to examine in detail the quality of each study to clarify the impact of study quality on study outcomes. In effectiveness studies, the principal criteria for study quality are primarily concerned with internal validity. This work introduces a methodology and tools to assess quality of effectiveness studies. This work also provides a brief overview for studies other than effectiveness.


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