  • 期刊


Financing, Dividend Policy and Operating Performance: Evidence from Chinese Listed Firms




This study aims to explore the impact of financing and dividend policy on operating performance, particularly in technology industry on two main Chinese stock exchanges. Accounting data consisted of 94 publicly companies and applied logistic regression analysis on a dataset comprising 7,896 observations from 2008 to 2019. Findings, the main variables affecting operational performance are the debt ratio, liquidity ratio, inventory turnover, equity turnover, EPS, ratio of non-operating revenue and expenses, financial leverage and cash flow per share. Implications, based on empirical results suggest managers should increase inventory turnover and EPS to buy back treasury shares, pay attention to the research and development of the industry, reduce the debt ratio and improve financial structure. Originality, this research contributes to the operating performance literature by examining specific industry of technology, thus helping managers and investors with stock select ion strategy in the decision-making process and making their financing, dividend decisions.
