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The Study of Constructing the Indicators on Cultivating Sport Volunteers in Universities and Colleges




With the improvement of social economics and the quality of life, the demands of health, leisure and recreation have growing. However, it is more insufficient for rely on governmental resource reinforcing policies and meeting people's needs, the resource from local and private sectors can included in strengthen the weakness from government. Since 2006, the Ministry of Education first recruited sport volunteers from universities and colleges, and trained more than 8,000 sport volunteers to promote voluntarily service in sports. The purpose of this study was to construct the indicators of strategical development in sport volunteer, and to rank the importance of each strategy. Method: Delphi method and the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) were deployed for construct development strategy in three layers of governing section, training section and service section, and the correlation among these three layers. The results were shown in three themes. First, 22 indicators of developmental strategy were emerged. Secondly, the influence on sport volunteers' development decreased in the order as governing section, training section and service section. The most influential indictor is emerged as "annual budget planning for training sport volunteer in educational system", and "set clear policies and regulations for sport volunteers" goes second. It is recommended that governing section should set clear development strategies and budget planning. As for future research directors, it is suggested to have follow-up investing on performance evaluation on sport volunteers in educational context. by doing so, sport volunteers can work more effectively, and the value of sport volunteers can be elaborate.


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