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The Effects of the Water-skiing Club Development towards Water-skiing Sport Promotion




Based on the management and organization of water-skiing club, the international activities held in Taiwan are well-known and arouse great attention. Some private sport organizations not only provide environment, facilities, training and other related service to citizens, but also popularize the concept of sports, and influence the development of sport industry holistically. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the water-skiing sport and further to examine the effects of the water-skiing sport in Taiwan. Method: The researcher adopted a qualitative method with semi-structural in-depth interview to collect the data. Results:There are eleven water-skiing club in Taiwan. Those clubs play great roles in Taiwan because they offer water-skiing areas, equipment, trainers and activity arrangement. It is suggested that the government can develop more water-areas for future resources, continue to work with international clubs, and arrange more activities among clubs in order to enhance the development of water-skiing sports. The results of the study hopes to provide valuable references to the industry, government, and academic institution for future arrangement.


cable wakeboard wakesurf water-skiing club


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