  • 期刊


Bundle Adjustment of Multi-station Spherical Panorama Images with GPS Positioning


針對車載之測繪系統無法進入之地區,本研究發展一套可攜式全景影像測繪系統(Portable Panoramic Image Mapping System, PPIMS),能同時拍攝八張影像,並以e-GPS系統來定位,當利用此系統從多個測站獲取影像時,將產生大量的影像以供處理,使用者在尋找目標影像時相當容易困惑,為了解決上述的困境,本文提出一個以環景影像進行攝影測量的新概念,以本系統拍攝的八張影像形成球形環景影像(spherical panorama image, SPI),應用於攝影測量和製圖,由於此SPI並不符合嚴謹的共線條件,造成在相鄰影像重疊處的拼接錯位,因此也針對此缺失提出改正的方法。本研究於成大自強校區的測試場,與地景較複雜的億載金城試驗場進行實驗,兩個實驗都證實以球形環景影像進行光束法平差是可行的,應用改正共線條件於光束法平差是必須且有效的,另外也證實球形環景影像能夠取代原本的影像。


A portable panoramic image mapping system (PPIMS) is developed to collect spatial data, which is specially designed for some areas that a vehicle-based mapping system has difficulty to enter. PPIMS can capture eight images simultaneously with e-GPS positioning. When images are taken from multiple stations, a large amount of images are needed to handle and measure. Finding targets among images becomes a puzzled task. To resolve this difficulty, this study proposes a new concept of photogrammetry by using panoramic images. Eight images captured by PPIMS can form a spherical panorama image (SPI), which is called PPIMS SPI. Instead of using the original images, PPIMS SPIs are then used for photogrammetric triangulation and mapping. Because the collinearity condition is not rigorously kept that causes the gaps on the cutting edges of overlapped images. We also propose a method to correct this deficiency. Two experiments were done. One is on the test field at Tzu-Chiang Campus, NCKU, and another one is in the Eternal Golden Castle. Both of them confirm bundle adjustment of SPI is possible, and applying corrections for PPIMS SPIs is necessary and effective for bundle adjustment. Besides, SPIs can replace original images that is also confirmed.
