  • 期刊


Web Ontology Language for OSM's Building using Protégé


開放資料為空間資訊領域重要的發展趨勢,隨著各類資料的開放,各資料集之間的互操作性顯得更加重要,而知識本體(ontologies)可描述一知識概念之邏輯語意,有助資料集的整合應用。開放街圖(OpenStreetMap, OSM)為自願性地理資訊(Volunteered Geographic Information, VGI)中顯著的案例,本技術短文目的為建立OSM房屋相關標籤之網路本體語言。Codescu et al. (2011)將OSMwiki與Taginfo公布之常用標籤組織為OSMonto(OSM ontology),然而近年來OSM三維相關標籤日趨豐富,從過去二維資訊為主逐漸朝向三維化發展,為了與OSM實際標籤使用相符有必要更新OSM本體模型。本研究延續部分OSMonto建立之方法用於建立房屋相關標籤之知識本體,本體論編輯器乃史丹佛大學所開發之開源軟體Protégé,本研究從類別、屬性、物件關係等層面實現房屋相關標籤之層次結構。此外,本技術短文並採用Jena API完成本文建立之OSM房屋知識本體的查詢實作,確認本文建立之OSM房屋知識本體可用性,未來更能透過本體模型提升與其他領域之互通性。


Open data is an important trend in different domains. In order to integrate and understand semantic information from different domains, ontology is a good way to descript the concepts in different domains. OpenStreetMap (OSM) project is the most significant example among Volunteered geographic information (VGI). The aim of this study is to develop an ontology-based framework for the building in OSM. OSMonto organized the tags from OSMwiki and Taginfo into an ontology framework in 2011. However, many useful keys and tags are proposed for OSM recently. For example, three-dimensional building information tags (e.g. building =*). OSM’s information becomes richer that is from two-dimensional development to three-dimensional. In order to improve the structure of OSM tags, it is necessary to revise an up-to-date ontology-based framework for OSM. We used an open-source ontology editor, i.e. protégé, to build up the OWL for the building in OSM. This study expected to achieve a hierarchy's rationalization and definition of tag's attributes. Furthermore, this ontology can be used in querying via Jena API. This study discussion about the data sources, attribute definition methods, and the hierarchy of key value that the OSM can be used to exchange with other domain ontology easier.


OpenStreetMap Ontology VGI
