  • 期刊

應用Taiwan Data Cube於多時期衛星影像之崩塌地分析

Landslide Area Analysis with Temporal Satellite Images by Using Taiwan Data Cube


臺灣受地質和地理環境影響,崩塌災害頻繁發生,然而遙感探測的特點對於監測分析環境敏感地至關重要。本研究基於衛星影像時間序列概念,透過Taiwan Data Cube平台建立環境敏感地監測模型,進行常態化差異植生指標計算以及最大似然分類法,在時間面向中,可以觀察出該地環境的長期趨勢與變化;在空間面向中,則可以找出崩塌地識別之門檻值,藉由影像差分法判斷新生崩塌地的面積變化以及位置。本研究以六龜區及梅山明隧道作為試驗區,經由建立衛星影像時間序列,達到解析區域時空變化的目標,讓地理空間資訊應用更加全面。


Due to geographical and geological factors, typhoons hit Taiwan frequently. It may cause serious disasters, so monitoring the condition of landslide area is critical. Based on the concept of satellite image time series (SITS), this study is to establish a long-term monitoring model by Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) calculations and Maximum Likelihood Classification (MLC). For the temporal view, long-term changes in geologically sensitive area can be found out. For the spatial view, the interpretation standard can also be identified, and the location of the new landslide can also be distinguished by "Image Differencing". This study selects "Liouguei District" and "Meishan open-cut tunnel" as the regions of interest. Through the establishment of satellite image time series, the goal of analyzing regional temporal and spatial changes is achieved, making the application of geospatial information more comprehensive.


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