  • 期刊


Effect of Blanching on the Antioxidative Activity of the Freeze-Dried Wheat Grass Powder Extracts


本研究旨在探討殺菁處理(100℃, 0-120秒)對冷凍乾燥小麥苗粉萃取物之抗氧化性,以及多酚、類黃酮等抗氧化成分含量之影響。結果顯示,經0-30秒殺菁處理之冷凍乾燥小麥苗粉,其水萃取液在DPPH自由基的清除能力上,分別隨萃取液濃度增加至10、25 mg/mL而達到最高,而後下降。經60秒以上殺菁處理者,其水萃取液則在濃度為25 mg/mL時,DPPH自由基清除能力高於90%,較乙醇萃取液在相同濃度下之自由基清除能力(約80%)高。還原力方面,不論是否經過殺菁處理的小麥苗粉,於萃取液濃度為25 mg/mL以上時,皆以50%乙醇萃取液較好,約為水及95%乙醇萃取液的2-2.5倍。在清除超氧陰離子自由基的能力上,不論是否經過殺菁處理的小麥苗粉,其乙醇萃取液均不具有此能力;水萃取液中經60秒以上殺菁者亦不具有此能力。抑制亞麻油酸自氧化能力方面,水萃取液以殺菁30秒者最佳(43.6%);50%乙醇萃取液者則隨著殺菁時間的延長(0-120秒),其抗氧化能力由23.6%上升至50.3%;95%乙醇萃取液之抗氧化能力則較不受殺菁時間影響(約介於22.7%-27.0%)。


小麥苗粉 殺菁 抗氧化性


This study aimed at estimating the effect of blanching (100℃, 0-120 sec) on the antioxidative activity and antioxidant concentrations of freeze-dried wheat grass powder. It was found that for wheat grass powder with 0-30 sec blanching treatment, the DPPH radical scavenging effect of water extract increased with increasing concentration to 10 and 25 mg/mL, respectively, then decreased with further increase in concentration. For wheat grass powder with blanching treatment longer than 60 see, water extracts had better scavenging effect (more than 90% scavenging effect) than ethanol extracts (about 80% scavenging effect) at a concentration level of 25 mg/mL. The reducing power of wheat grass extracts was stronger in 50% ethanol extracts as the concentration was over 25 mg/mL (about 2-2.5 times of that for water and 95% ethanol extracts). However, ethanol extracts did not show superoxide radical scavenging capability. Water extracts with blanching treatment longer than 60 sec did not show this capability either. In terms of the inhibitory effect on autooxidation of linoleic acid, water extracts of wheat grass powder with 30 sec blanching showed the best antioxidant activity (about 43.6%). The inhibitory effect on autooxidation of linoleic acid increased (from 23.6 to 50.3%) with increasing blanching time for 50% ethanol extracts, but differed less pronouncedly (22.7 to 27.0%) for 95% ethanol extracts.
