  • 期刊

利用中藥副產物培養Pseudomonas sp. strain G105以防治甘藍幼苗立枯病之研究

Biocontrol of Rhizoctonia Damping-off of Cabbage Seedling Using Chinese Medicine Dregs Inoculated with Pseudomonas sp. strain G105


在提煉科學中藥的過程中,會產生大量的中藥渣,利用農業益生菌進行副產物之微生物發酵,生產農業微生物製劑,兼具環保再生與防治作物病害之效用。以食品所收集之螢光假單胞桿菌屬(Pseudomonas sp.)、芽孢桿菌屬(Bacillus sp.)及木黴菌屬(Trichoderma sp.)等38菌株,針對植物病原菌於平板上進行對峙培養,並測試其溶磷能力,篩選結果顯示螢光假單胞桿菌G105菌株兼具促進作物生長與拮抗病害的能力。以中藥副產物培養G105菌株,生產之中藥副產物微生物製劑,實際應用於十字花科蔬菜種苗試驗,減少甘藍幼苗立枯病罹病率達66.7%,可有效防治甘藍幼苗立枯病之發生,相關研究成果未來可應用於開發農業微生物肥料與製劑之產品。


In the refining process of scientific medicine, large amounts of the medicinal dregs were generated. In spite of just discaring them as waste, this study aimed to evaluate antagonistic microorganisms grown on the medical dregs to control Rhizoctonia damping-off of cabbage seedlings caused by Rhizoctonia solani. A total of 38 strains of Pseudomonas sp., Bacillus sp. and Trichoderma sp. were selected from the bio-bank of Food Industry Research and Development Institute to evaluate phosphorus-solubilizing ability and their antagonistic activity against Xanthomonas camestris pv. campestris and R. solani. Results indicated that Pseudomonas sp. (No. G105) showed both of plant-growth-promoting and pathogen-antagonistic activities. Further tests showed that after culturing G105 on the medicine dregs the fermented products significantly reduced Rhizoctonia damping-off by 66.7%. The mixed formulation of the medical dregs and Pseudomonas sp. strain G105 may be further developed as a commercial biopesticide.
