  • 期刊


A Pragmatic Study on Japanese Sentence Final Expression: A Comparison of Taiwanese and Japanese




This research focuses on the similarity of two auxiliary verbs "darou" and "deshou" and explores the contexts in which the two expressions appear in conversations. Meanwhile, this author compares the usage tendency and differences between Japanese native speakers and Taiwanese Japanese learners by using the research method "conversation completion test" in Second Language Acquisition. The results shows that in actual conversation scenes, most of Japanese native speakers would use "(no)kana", "njanai" and other expressions as the sentence final expression rather than "darou" and "deshou". Although Taiwanese Japanese learners have a certain degree of recognition of Taigu Expression, that is, they can adjust their expressions and styles according to their relationship with each other, but fail to recognize other Pragmatic elements, such as the strength of speech and the usage tendency differences between men and women. Therefore, Taiwanese Japanese learners cannot use various sentence final expression in actual conversation scenes. In addition, in cases where Japanese native speakers use "darou" and "deshou", there are pragmatic differences in the usages of "guess" and "doubt" except for the "confirmation" usage, especially the different tendencies of men and women. In contrast, pragmatic differences between men and women are not observed in cases where Taiwanese Japanese learners use "darou" and "deshou". As Modality Expressions are less frequently used in Chinese than in Japanese, it appears degrees of difference in the usage awareness and pragmatic elements between Taiwanese' and Japanese' sentence final expression. Therefore, in order to improve Japanese learners' practical ability, it is necessary to present specific contexts of conversation and pragmatic elements, including language styles, Taigu Expression, strength of speech, expressions of men and women, etc. in Japanese teaching.
