  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


Effect of hunger on charity activities and gender as moderator


近年來,人們參與善行活動的意願愈來愈普遍,有貢獻時間的義工、亦有捐贈器官、捐血,更有部份企業提昇品牌形象及社會形象,採取善因行銷的策略。本研究主要探討人們處於飢餓狀況是否會影響消費者的探討「義工」與「贊助行為」,並兼論性別對消費者參與行善的調節效果。本研究採用實驗法進行,實驗一與實驗二皆先進行前測,分別篩選出「中度利他行為者」及「中度品牌形象者」,進行正式施測。二個實驗均採用2(性別:男vs. 女)× 2(用餐情況:飢餓vs. 吃飽)的二因子受試者間設計,檢驗性別與用餐狀況對於參與義工活動和慈善募款活動之意願。研究結果發現:(1)飢餓狀況會影響行善意願;(2)性別會影響行善意願;(3)飢餓狀況與性別之交互作用,對於行善意願亦有顯著影響。研究結果可提供慈善團體和企業在舉辦及規劃慈善活動時,將消費者的飢餓狀況以及性別兩項因素納為重要變數,有助於提升辦理善行活動績效。


利他行為 性別 品牌形象 飢餓 善因行銷


In recent years, people have become more willing to participate in charity activities. These charity activities include of donations of time, organs, and blood. Moreover, some enterprises adopt cause-related marketing strategies, thus enhancing their brand image and social image. The study aimed to explore whether hunger and gender affects volunteer and sponsor behavior. The study was conducted using the experimental method. Experiment 1 and experiment 2 both conducted pre-tests and the formal subjects were screened for moderate altruistic behavior and moderate brand image respectively. The two experiments both adopted 2 (gender: male vs. female) × 2 (dining situation: hungry vs. satiation) between subjects design. The results revealed 1) hunger affected willingness to take part in charity activities; 2) gender affected willingness to take part in charity activities; 3) the interaction of hunger and gender also had significant impact on willingness to take part in charity activities. The results provide important implications; that is, hunger and gender are two important factors when enterprises are planning charity activities. Thus it will be of benefit to improve the performance of charity activities.


altruism gender brand image hunger cause-related marketing
