  • 期刊


「Sport i Taiwan」Policy Facebook Fans Page Marketing Research




This paper is based on Sport i Taiwan policy fans page - iSport information platform as the research object. The purpose of the study was to determine the posting status of the fans page and how the fan interacted. The research method is to carry on the content analysis to the post dated January 1, 2016 to December 31. The results were found: a. Fans page posted an average of 49.92 posts per month; b. Sports knowledge promotion and education classes and Sports activities to promote and share classes of the data are the highest in the film category; Lottery and selection activities classes of the data are the highest in the image category; Other classes the average number of like, messages and the overall number of interactive to share the highest category, and the highest share of the average number of film category. According to the results analysis, the following conclusions are made: (a) Fans page has a better frequency of posting; (b) Fans page posters are the most popular with the theme of "Lottery and selection activities" and "Image"; (c) Sports knowledge promotion and education classes is one of the main purposes of the fans page creation and development, but it does not attract attention and interaction; (d) The film is indeed an attractive medium. Finally, the suggestions are put forward based on the conclusions, and provide reference for the relevant units.


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