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Relevant Factors to Instrumental Activities of Daily Living in People with Alzheimer's Disease


研究指出阿茲海默氏症患者在疾病早期的階段就會呈現認知功能的損傷,尤其以記憶為著,不僅影響工作及生活功能,且造成照護者的負擔。本研究目的在探討記憶功能缺失如何影響阿茲海默氏症患者生活功能,並加入人口學變項與MMSE功能進行分析。本研究分析39位(男性20人、女性19人)50歲以上阿茲海默氏症患者之事件、語意、物品、空間等記憶功能,並收集人口學變項和生活功能評量等資料,以逐步複迴歸分析探討人口學變項與記憶功能對與生活功能之影響。結果發現,記憶功能中,空間記憶為預測生活功能模式的唯一顯著因子,解釋的變異量達 46.4%(p < .001)。其次具顯著性的預測因子為性別與年齡,納入後最後預測生活功能模式之總解釋量達64.4%(p < .001)。空間記憶功能因需要視覺注意力和執行功能處理,與生活功能最具關聯性。陳述性記憶對生活功能則無影響。此外,本研究發現年齡與性別對生活功能的影響,並討論這些相關因素對於臨床上介入的參考性。


During the progression of Alzheimer's disease (AD), memory impairment is one of the major cognitive symptoms for people in the early stage of AD. The memory dysfunction is an important factor for the functional impairment which contributes to the caregiver burden and the decision for institutionalization of the patient. This study was to investigate the relationship between memory function and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL), while accounting for demographic and general cognitive measure, MMSE. Thirty-nine subjects with mild AD were included in this study. A multiple regression model with stepwise method was used to assess the relationship between different memory domains and IADL. Using stepwise regression analysis for the relationship between memory functions (episodic, semantic, objects, and visuaospatial domains) and IADL confirmed the visuaospatial memory by Route Map Recall Test as the only predictor of IADL in the model (R2 = .46, p < .001). The results suggested that the visuospatial memory related to the executive control of attention is a key contributor to the impairment in IADL, gender and age were the second and the third significant predictors. The three factors explained a total of 64.4% of the variance (p < .001) for IADL. The findings have clinical implications to the interventions in preserving IADL function for the patients with AD.
